We specialise in Critical Non-Fluff.  We do super fast, super safe web hosting.

Even more so when we design or manage your website, your online home. 

All the things that really matter, things most webhosts wont provide as they cost money and they have to sell many hosting accounts for cheap. It is far cheaper to give everyone just  the most basics and fluff up the perception of value with impressive sounding nonsense you wont care about.

Spend a bit more on hosting that provides what you really should care about. 

Peace of mind from  $10 / month  (+-R180).  Easy-Up resources as you grow.

Web Hosting Basics - We Only Use Cloud CPANEL


Its just a matter of scale. With REDLINE you get everything. Period. Everything that matters. You wont see useless fluff here. You start here and grow to there. Simple.


Everything is pro level. Suitable for businesses, online stores, e-commerce, programmers, web & app developers. WordPress Optimised.


All our accounts are on extremely fast and powerful LiteSpeed powered CLOUD servers. NVMe storage. Http3. Dynamic Caching.


Malware Scans & removal. IP Firewall. AI based Website Application Firewall. Cloudflare. Daily auto-backups. World-class DataCentre in a country central to the world with extreme speed redundant data pathways & systems.


We use a London based world-class Data Centre with typically vastly superior hardware, speed and safety offering many redundancies. Even if an ocean cable is cut. If you MUST have a USA based or other country server for very good reason, talk to us about your needs.


Your hosting with us includes your very own powerful Cpanel where you can run your own website from. Build your own. Tons of stuff. You can also have us manage your account, as there is less chance of things going wrong.

So, what's really relevant? We always try do relevant.


Focus on what is relevant to you

What Really Matters

We consider your business as if it were ours. We are not into hosting 500 sites. We mostly host for our own clients. So you get what we ourselves use and our agency customers have. Our hosting ensures these vital extras you wont get from most other hosts. Quit buying hype and pages of impressive sounding fluff.  You get that anyway.

What you need is speed, security, more speed and ability to do what you need, whether you are programmer or a business with a shop and credit card processing and and and and. You need safety from hackers,  firewalls, backups, power, speed and a plan what happens if... and more speed. 

These hosting features are next-level, and not available on cheap hosts. The only thing to watch for are big mailbox accounts as we do limit storage space, as we too are limited. Upgrade for big / many mailboxes.

Now for you the techies... The details below are meaningless to most people. We have bolded a few that should be noted by all. 

Extensive list of what you get

FREE SSL for safe browser connections
30 daily backups in case of crisis

REDLINE Maxed Speed features
Lightspeed Web Server (fastest by far)
3x more hardware specs
3x less clients per server
2 CPU Cores (per account)
2 GB RAM (per account)
Entry Processes: 30
Total Processes: 200
Script execution time: 2s
HTTP/3 (http over QUIC)
Dynamic Caching
APC & OPcode Cache
LS Cache for WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, Prestashop, Laravel
Native SSD Storage with new fastest NVMe best in class, for unmatched red/write speeds.
Malware Scan - Your site is auto-scanned for free
Malware Removal - If malware is found, free removal
IP Firewall and Website Application Firewall (WAF)
Your website is protected by common and newly discovered exploits with our AI-based Web Application Firewall
Cloudflare(tm) Supported.

CPANEL control panel with Softaculous, tons of scripts and solutions.

Opensource Applications Installation/Update
Opensource Plugin/Module installation/Update

Unlimited FTP & Connection management
File Manager
Directory Privacy
Unlimited Databases
Unlimited email accounts
Unlimited subdomains
Multiple PHP versions
Free drag & drop site builder
Free app install & upgrades
1-click WordPress install.
WordPress Optimised Server
Free Loading Speed Optimization

Complimentary daily backups at
host-server level in case of disaster.

DNS management
Addon Domains, Parked and sub domains

HTTP/3 protocol over QUIC
Memcached, APC, OpCache
CloudFlare(tm) supported
Mod_Rewrite SEO URLs
Browser Cache Optimization
Brotli Compression

...and more...

And more...

SPAM EXPERTS Filtering (this is a big deal)

SpamExperts is an advanced email filter that scans and filters your incoming email for spam, viruses, phishing, and other email-related attacks by botnets and spammers with 99.98% accuracy — all before it reaches your inbox. It's specifically designed to avoid false positives, and it's continually learning and evolving to protect you from new spamming techniques and threats.

IMUNIFY360 Network Firewall & WAF  (even bigger deal)
Advanced Firewall with herd immunity. Uses AI and herd immunity to detect threats. Defends against brute force attacks, DoS attacks, port scans and many other types of attacks.

Next-Gen IDS / IPS
Hardened PHP - Auto-updates for security
Brute-Force protection
Malware protection
Virus/Malware scanning
Hotlink Protection
Directory Password Protection
Web Hosting Account Isolation
Cloud Linux
Daily backups (30)
Live Server monitoring
Hacked website restore
Latest stable Cpanel version
MySQL Databases
Remote MySQL
Database size 250MB
Database table size 125MB

PHP Version Manager
Multiple PHP Versions 8, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0, 5.6
Cron Jobs

Free SSL

Unlimited Professional Email features IMAP/Pop3/Smtp

Email only limited by storage acc.
Filters, responders,
Email DNS records,
Spam Experts Outbound Email Filtering
Email Virus scanner
Gsuite Integration supported

For programmers:

SSH/ Bash Access
Perl, Python, Node.js
Git Version Control
PHP Frameworks (Symphony/Laravel/Zend)

...and more...

Purposeful Website Design 


Again, we are about relevance. What is really meaningful to 90% of websites / WebOffices. NO FLUFF.

Pay a few bucks extra for these amazing security and speed features. Hardened and optimised for WordPress. 


  1. Choose to move your existing website to us. Self manage, or ask us to manage your small changes. 
  2. Start your new website with us and do it all yourself on amazing Cpanel and tons of software systems.
  3. Smart-Start, by talking to us, understand your business, establish objectives, and we build a solution with you, for you. 

We also provide all the extra services like consulting, design, marketing, content creation, social channel presence, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and and and. SEO, PPC, Google business, Maps, and more.

Most importantly, we consult and develop lucrative professional ongoing email engagement with your existing client base as well as unconverted prospects.

We can help with Split-Test copy testing of your ads/content. And so much more...

30 years of online marketing and design experience at your call. Contact us below to get started.

About Us

be smart, be relevant

Professional SEO & Web Design Agency

We feel that too many web agencies and designers are youngsters, tech savvy yes, but little real experience of the world of business. What closes a deal. Makes the sale. What works in the world of the target customer, what matters to them, how they  are able to engage with technology. Pretty pamphlets don't sell even to thousands of visitors. You have to connect with and speak to the buyer in their frame.

This is where we excel. As entrepreneur and owner of numerous businesses for 30 years, Deon has a good grasp of the business world, from small retail to the corporate boardroom, many segments of industry, having dome all the marketing and online presence for many companies. Get rid of the fluff, know what the buyer wants. He/She wants: "Yes, that's right."

Professional SEO & Web Design Agency

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Professional SEO & Web Design Agency